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类别:人气:发布时间:2014-10-19 11:23


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前奏:C--D--Fmaj7--G    C--D--Fmaj7--G

C                      D
I’ve been easy to out of control, that 
    Fmaj7                   G
I’m funny, understanding, unique and sweet
   C            D
A just soul to squeeze
    Fmaj7                          G
But I also have parts that made them hated me

间奏:C--D--Fmaj7--G    C--D--Fmaj7--G

C                   D
My boys and girls were too smart when they’re in love
Fmaj7              G
They took life as two different parts, that
C            D          Fmaj7
To me could ever be a sad thing
G                          C--D--Fmaj7
So smart I am and they are
G                C--D--Fmaj7
So we are only apart
Even love is much

间奏:C--D--Fmaj7--G    C--D--Fmaj7--G

C                      G
And now I became a silly one
C                             G               Fmaj7
I laugh at wrong time and say things that people
                             G              Fmaj7
Will be sure embarrassed while they’re hearing
C               G
I long for an idiot
C              G
I long for an idiot
C                     G           Fmaj7
I’m waiting for my idiot, loving me
Fmaj7        G     C
Exactly the way I am
C               G
I long for an idiot
C                    G
Well, are you an idiot?
C                  G
Well, I am an idiot
Loving me.
Fmaj7        G        C
Exactly the way you are  




类别: 人气:发布时间:2014-10-19 11:23


前奏:C--D--Fmaj7--G    C--D--Fmaj7--G

C                      D
I’ve been easy to out of control, that 
    Fmaj7                   G
I’m funny, understanding, unique and sweet
   C            D
A just soul to squeeze
    Fmaj7                          G
But I also have parts that made them hated me

间奏:C--D--Fmaj7--G    C--D--Fmaj7--G

C                   D
My boys and girls were too smart when they’re in love
Fmaj7              G
They took life as two different parts, that
C            D          Fmaj7
To me could ever be a sad thing
G                          C--D--Fmaj7
So smart I am and they are
G                C--D--Fmaj7
So we are only apart
Even love is much

间奏:C--D--Fmaj7--G    C--D--Fmaj7--G

C                      G
And now I became a silly one
C                             G               Fmaj7
I laugh at wrong time and say things that people
                             G              Fmaj7
Will be sure embarrassed while they’re hearing
C               G
I long for an idiot
C              G
I long for an idiot
C                     G           Fmaj7
I’m waiting for my idiot, loving me
Fmaj7        G     C
Exactly the way I am
C               G
I long for an idiot
C                    G
Well, are you an idiot?
C                  G
Well, I am an idiot
Loving me.
Fmaj7        G        C
Exactly the way you are  

