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Used to Love Her(Guns N' Roses)吉他谱

类别:人气:发布时间:2014-10-19 11:22
摘要:该张曲谱是Used to Love Her(Guns N Roses)吉他谱,格式为TXT文本格式。


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  由学弹吉他网提供的Used to Love Her(Guns N' Roses)吉他谱是txt版的,适合对吉他比较有基础的同学学习,当然txt版吉他谱在手机上看也更适合,节省手机流量,如果你还看不懂txt版的吉他谱,建议你看图片版的,本站点也提供了吉他谱大全供大家学习使用。

Used to Love Her吉他谱

G|-------------------14^^^-- este riff o slash faz no live era
D|-----------12------------- no meio da batida do 1º A (La)

  D           A           G               A
     I used to Love her,      but I had to Kill her    (repeat as necessary)
  G                A      G              A      G                    D
    She bitched so much,    she drove me nuts,  and now we’re happier this way.

Or something like that.  The order of the chords at Nevada is
accurate, if mine are not.

The album is tuned down  1/2 step.  What that means is that each one of
the strings on Izzy’s guitar was tuned one semitone lower in pitch than
"standard" (A=440 hz) tuning when playing.  So on the album what you actually
hear instead of D A G A, etc is Dflat Aflat Gflat, etc, even though it’s
physically played in the exact same way.

b = bend at first note to the pitch of the second note
r = release to second note from the pitch of first note
[] = note is not struck
() = optional note

Tune down 1/2 step

First Solo
  D                    A        G                A

D                       A                       G

          A                             G

A                                G

A                      G                          A




Used to Love Her(Guns N' Roses)吉他谱

类别: 人气:发布时间:2014-10-19 11:22
摘要:该张曲谱是Used to Love Her(Guns N Roses)吉他谱,格式为TXT文本格式。

Used to Love Her吉他谱

G|-------------------14^^^-- este riff o slash faz no live era
D|-----------12------------- no meio da batida do 1º A (La)

  D           A           G               A
     I used to Love her,      but I had to Kill her    (repeat as necessary)
  G                A      G              A      G                    D
    She bitched so much,    she drove me nuts,  and now we’re happier this way.

Or something like that.  The order of the chords at Nevada is
accurate, if mine are not.

The album is tuned down  1/2 step.  What that means is that each one of
the strings on Izzy’s guitar was tuned one semitone lower in pitch than
"standard" (A=440 hz) tuning when playing.  So on the album what you actually
hear instead of D A G A, etc is Dflat Aflat Gflat, etc, even though it’s
physically played in the exact same way.

b = bend at first note to the pitch of the second note
r = release to second note from the pitch of first note
[] = note is not struck
() = optional note

Tune down 1/2 step

First Solo
  D                    A        G                A

D                       A                       G

          A                             G

A                                G

A                      G                          A


